Dear Lombard Lions,
Candy Days are almost upon us! While we were playing away the
summer and thinking of other things, it was steadily moving our
way. The kids are back in school and its time to get revved up
to collect the cash!
Friday, the 9th is the official Candy Day. On that day, we
need a full contingent of Lions and volunteers to raise money in
support of our many charitable enterprises. So...I'm looking to
see Lions Tobey and Pekny and Hulseberg and Caputo do that old
"dotted line shuffle". I need Lions Turcotte and Renz and (add your name here __________________ ) to show us
how the "Candy Day Car Dodge" is done!
In short...everyone on the street!
Team leaders will be contacting members and assigning locations.
Let's do our best to get good coverage throughout the area.
Those that want to make a "practice run" on Thursday the
8th and
Saturday the 10th are encouraged to do so. We will not run out of
There are only two ways to collect a lot of money on Candy Day.
The first is to have someone give you a thousand dollars in the
first hour. Then, go home and relax. The second way, and the way
most often chosen, is to put in the time! In street collections,
time is money,...barring, of course, that quick thousand dollar
See you on the streets!
Jerry N. Bimber
2005 Candy Day Chairman....and the guy responsible for
increasing collections over last year....anyone have a spare
thousand dollars?